Most people believe that the education system is broken, but the truth is that it is working. It is working according to it’s initial design that was built for an industrial era and commonly accepted economic constraints Continue reading
My rants about startups.
There are 11 posts filed in Startups (this is page 1 of 2).
My Customers
Part of my discovery journey is to become a (my) self-expert and to decide on the domain of my next startup project. In this post I will explore the different domains that I am attracted to, because I think it is meaningful and believe in the opportunities. Continue reading
Mental Models to think
In this post I try to list out the different business concepts, mental models or frameworks that I believe are important for founders to understand and to use as a rough guide when working on their startup and to help them think thru the decisions they need to make.
All paths lead to Rome
In this case all paths lead to a startup.
The genesis of a startup may come from different sources depending on the experience, knowledge, motivation, inspiration and context of it’s founder or founding team.
The starting points could be: Continue reading
My next challenge?
Now armed with a framework to choose my next startup idea and a better understanding of myself, in the coming days or weeks I will work to unravel my next challenge.
Be aware that, some of the 7 elements that characterised a startup ideas are not within your control and other are. Let me illustrate this. Continue reading
Lesson learnt : why I decided to quit QuickGetit
Today, 4 months after working on QuickGetit, I decided to quit before we cross a critical milestones (financially, psychologically and contractually). During my last holiday break I managed to find time to think through what I had have done, being doing and more importantly what I want to do in the next 3 to 7 years.
I come to realised that Continue reading
Evaluate startup ideas before starting
Firstly, the purpose of this article is to illustrate my approach to evaluate startup ideas. More importantly to decide if I want to invest the next 3 to 7 years of my life developing the startup into a viable company. It helps me to think thru each idea and to map it with my personal aspiration, ambition and development. This analysis is helpful for the vetting of new ideas.
Mobile commerce is not e-commerce
Buying online with your smartphone remains difficult. This is especially true if you are searching through a catalogue, trying to create your new user profile or check out on the small screen. If you ever tried mobile shopping yourself, you would understand why cart abandonment rate on smartphone is so high.
Mobile shopping should not be a hassle and we want to change this. Continue reading
#BEStartupManisfesto for policy makers
I have being following this ‘hashtag’ on twitter since the Xavier Damman first post and subsequence mainstream newspaper articles where different stakeholders jousted for limelight or attempt to ride on this wave at regional, national and European level (ie. #singledigitalmarket). This is a good thing, if we can ‘bottled’ this enthusiasm and forged it into real action locally.
I would like to start mine with a paragraph of disclosures and disclaimers. Continue reading
The up side of your first hire
The other day a friend and I were talking about salary. This got me thinking about the cost of employment in Belgium that prompted me to write this post.
Imagine you are a Startup, you got your ideas, solution and market figured out. You started to develop your minimum viable product (MVP) and getting ready to launch. You plan to hire your first employee and started looking into such investment.
Here is a quick calculation for a ball park figure for such investment. More importantly the level of revenue and profit you would need to sustain it. Continue reading